We recognise that continued business success depends upon the quality of the service the company provides to each of its customers. The company must satisfy the needs of each customer by providing a service which meets their individual requirements in order to achieve success. The business must maintain a reputation for the delivery of a reliable, skilled, knowledgeable, honest and safe service, not only with customers and employees but also the wider business community, and other stakeholders.
The company aims are:
• To deliver excellent service that as a minimum meets contractual and legal requirements to our customers
• To deliver ‘Right First Time’ services
• To obtain repeat business
• To attract new clients
• To develop a reputation as a company which operates in a reliable, sustainable and safe manner
• To have well trained and motivated employees
• To be commercially sustainable
It is a business strategy and expectation that repeat business will be secured from existing customers. Through a central ‘Corrective Action Tracker’ the company will record, monitor and review business issues and the steps taken to resolve the issue.
Employees will be customer focused, self-evaluate their own work and strive to complete tasks ‘Right First Time’. The company will seek to build strong collaborative working relationships throughout the business, with empowered teams who are responsible for their output.
Individuals – To comply with the Quality Policy and Quality Management System as part of their day-to-day duties
QM Leads – To establish and manage the Quality Management System in accordance with the Quality Policy
• To undertake regular internal and external audits of Quality Management System and to flag issues where identified
• To establish the Quality Policy for the company
• Monitor performance against the policy taking appropriate action where required
• Provide enough resources and management arrangements to deliver policy
The company’s Quality Policy will be reviewed annually by the Directors, in order to ensure that the policy remains relevant and suitable for the business. The Quality Policy will be used as a tool to set specific Quality Objectives. Both these documents form key parts of the Quality Management System.
The effectiveness and continued suitability of the Company’s overall Quality Management System will be monitored and audited internally and externally and assessed at management review meetings. Regular review of the Corrective Action Tracker will help to ensure that continuous improvement is achieved, and that the business develops.